Thursday, October 16, 2014

One Thousand One-Hundred Twenty-Five Feet per Second

That's the sound barrier.  One thousand one-hundred twenty-five feet per second.  Or three-hundred forty-three meters per second for those of you from the other side of the pond...and pretty much everywhere else in the world.

I was sitting in my folding chair at my usual Tuesday evening locale, The Shakespeare Forum, when we picked the night back up from our 'intermission'.  It was then brought to our attention that 67 years ago from this past Tuesday, on October 14th 1947, Chuck Yeager was the first person to break the sound barrier.  Pretty remarkable considering that only 44 years earlier, in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, the first airplane was successfully flown.

It was then that the AD of the Shakespeare Forum, Tyler Moss, laid down a challenge for all that sat before him on this particular Tuesday....and it is that same challenge that I give to all of you, whoever may be reading this.

Find a barrier that you have and break it.

What holds you back?

What keeps forcing back on the sidelines when all you want to do is jump in and play?

What pulls you away from where you want to be?

Is it fear of rejection or humiliation?  Self consciousness?  Anxiety?  The prospect of disappointing others?

Whatever it may be, break it down.  Shatter it.  Know that it is only ourselves that can break our limits because it is us who set them.

I used to always think that I'd have to go through life just settling for what came my way.  Whether I wanted more or saw something that was out there worth fighting for, I would normally settle with whatever I got because my barrier was standing up for myself and having my own voice.  I am slowly breaking down the barrier because I know what I want and, dammit, I'm going to do everything in my power to get whatever it may be.

Other people can help provide for us but we have to be honest with ourselves first.  No one will know until we know.  It's like you have to start loving yourself before others can love you.  Same thing.  You have to know what you want, know that you are worth it and deserve it, before you can get it.  Because even if whatever it is that you desire comes to you, if you don't think you are worth its reception, than there is no feasible way you are going to enjoy it upon it's arrival.  And this editorial 'thing' that I keep referring to can be anything.  Material, emotional, spiritual, behavioral, etc.

We all set limits and barriers for ourselves.  According to Merriam-Webster, a barrier is defined as:

something (such as a fence or natural obstacle) that prevents or blocks movement from one place to another

To me, the key word here is 'obstacle'.  Obstacles are meant to be overcome.  They beg to be overcome.  They don't exist to squelch dreams and shutter hopes.  The exist to encourage growth and promote maturation.

So find your barriers, find what blocks you, and do what Chuck did and break it.  Whether that's loudening your voice and standing up for yourself, saying hello to that guy or girl in your life that slows down a room, jumping off the bench of creativity and promoting what it is you've created or simply looking at yourself in the mirror and reassuring yourself that, yes, you are worth everything you desire in the world.

Do what Chuck did.

He had nothing to lose....and neither do you.

Be well and Ramble On,

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